Final Portfolio: A Study Abroad Proposal

Final Portfolio: A Study Abroad Proposal

EAS 150B, Spring 2022


Provide a case analysis of study either going from or to one country or region in East Asia. (E.g., Students from Mexico study abroad in Vietnam.) Your final proposal will include 1) What is the current state of this type of study abroad; 2) What kind of cultural or intercultural challenges do students face when they study abroad in that destination? 3) How to engage in this type of study abroad sustainably and meaningfully in the post-COVID future? You don’t have to decide everything right now, but throughout this project, you will be guided to write these essays based on our readings and discussions.

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Please only submit a Word document to D2L for first drafts.

Entry 1 (due on 02/14): Analyze the history and patterns of the type of study abroad that you are interested in. Do you have any statistics regarding how common it is, and why do students participate in it? What are the demographic background of the students (age, educational background, language background), if any. What kind of language/culture preparation do they typically receive? Write a short essay (3 pages) to explain and describe the current state. .

Entry 2 (due on 03/21): Interview a study abroad student who has studied abroad or lived in that destination. What challenges do study abroad students often face while being there? Are they similar to different from our readings? Transcribe the interview and write a 2-page summary.

Entry 3 (due on 04/18): Study abroad faces many challenges, from sociocultural (e.g., racism, financial affordability), sociopolitical (visa policies, COVID-19 travel restrictions), to environmental (e.g., carbon footprint). For the kind of study abroad that you are interested in, what possibilities do you think there are to make immersive cultural and language learning sustainable and meaningful?

Final revision: Give a name to your case study that best captures its essence. Make it appealing! Revise your proposal based on the feedback you receive from the peer review process. Provide a summary of the revisions that you have made and submit your final project to D2L (final submission).

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