Construct a comprehensive communications policy and procedures handbook that could be used in an early childhood program


Construct a comprehensive communications policy and procedures handbook that could be used in an early childhood program.

Develop a communication handbook, including at least 2 resources to support your ideas. Include the following sections, using complete sentences, thorough descriptions and ensuring each is clearly labeled as its own section:

Effective Communication Strategies:

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Identify and define three positive communication strategies the program will use

Describe what each strategy will look and feel like when implemented

Family and Staff Feedback:

Identify three procedures to gather feedback from staff and families.

Describe a strategy to proactively collect data and information from families and explain how the information will be used

Describe a strategy to proactively collect data and information from staff and explain how the information will be used

Responsive and Effective Communication:

Identify three potential barriers to your program’s communication abilities

Describe a strategy to mitigate the negative effects of each barrier

Electronic Communication:

Identify three policies regarding electronic communication and social media use across the program

Describe the procedure for implementing each of the stated policies. How will the electronic communication and social media be used and what needs to be considered.

Cultural Appropriateness:

Identify three policies that foster cultural appropriateness in interaction and communication across the early childhood program

Describe the procedure for implementing each of the stated policies

Team Partnership:

Identify three policies that demonstrate the program’s focus on team building and working together to create positive relationships amongst staff.

Describe the procedure for implementing each of stated policies

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