University College London School of Management MSIN0155 Society Technology and Behaviour Coursework 1: January – February 2022 Individual essay This is an essay written up as the result of the work that you are doing on social, economic, business and technological changes and the impacts arising from the COVID virus crisis. This work is to be handed in on Monday 21 February 2022 at 3pm. Indicative length: 2500 words. In detail you need to address the following, for the company of your choice: 1) Evaluate how they have responded to the COVID virus crisis from a social, technological and economic point of view; 2) Describe their products and services with reference to the Packard and Maslow approaches; 3) Describe their attraction as an employer, also using the Packard and Maslow approaches; 4) Evaluate the actions that they have taken to promote themselves as a company or organisation of value, saying what that value is from a social and behavioural point of view; 5) Evaluate the changes, developments and restraints that they have had to place on their activities, products and services and the effects that these actions have had and are having on their commercial performance; 6) Evaluate the plans that they have for the foreseeable future in terms of how they are addressing the demands and priorities of their staff and customers. Purpose and context The overall purpose is to ensure that you have a record of the work that we do on this course, and to demonstrate understanding and application of the stated learning outcomes which are (see moodle site home page): 1) know and understand the relationships between society, technology and behaviour, and how each informs and influences the effects of the others; 2) know and understand the influence of technology on society, and the influence of society technology; 3) understand new patterns of organisation, employment, competition, cooperation and collaboration; 4) identify actual and potential drivers and restraints of collective and individual behaviour in a technology driven environment; 5) evaluate the value of technology, and how to value technology; 6) understand the drivers and restraints in terms of the nature of productive and service delivery activities; 7) know and understand the developments in organisational, leadership and managerial expertise required for the present and future; 8) evaluate the position of business in society, and the relationship between society and business. General guidance Please always make sure that you provide evidence for assertions that you do make. Please always ensure that you reference anything and everything that requires it, using the SoM guidance on referencing. Please also ensure that you cover all points of the brief given above. And – always ask anything at any time of course!! Richard Pettinger January 2022 *If the company is unknown: brief introduction
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